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  • Daesung Measuring Co., Ltd
  • Daesung Co., Ltd

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Company Policies

Introducing reliable Daesung C&S Inc.

We are dedicated to delivering  authorized enhanced products and services All products, techniques, and services at Daesung C&S are developed through careful examination, and with the industry’s first ISO9001 certification in 1996, we have established an operating system that provides customers the most advanced products and services.

Selected as Quality assurance guaranteed enterprise (achieved Q mark)

The Q mark is a quality-guarantee certification given to outstanding businesses who meet quality assurance inspection standards conducted by the nationally accredited Korea Apparatus oil testing research center to ensure quality advancement and consumer protection for industrial products. Presented in in May 1997 with the agreement to undergo periodic quality assurance inspection by product type, and performance by the inspection center.

Selected as Quality assurance enterprise (appointed KATRI LABEL)

KATRI LABEL is a quality-guarantee certification given to outstanding businesses who meet quality assurance inspection standards conducted by the nationally accredited Korea clothing testing agency to ensure quality advancement and consumer protection for industrial products. Presented in December 2001 after excellent results in sterilization and bleaching performance testing, achieving recognition for outstanding detergent.

Awarded 5-time no-injury certification

Daesung C&S detects potential causes of danger at production sites through the 5S initiative, achieving 5-time no-injury recognition as a result of unifying and garnering the cooperation of all employees, resulting in stabilized Labor-management relations and forming a vibrant corporate atmosphere